The manpower model for software projects based on analysis of Bayes risk 基于贝叶斯风险分析的软件项目人力资源模型
Manpower input output analysis 人力投入-产出分析
Therefore, we pour more resources and mental efforts into the collocation and reserve of manpower in the Chinese film and television entertainment industry, the survey and analysis of Chinese film and television entertainment market and the management of the operational system. 为此我们在中国(影视)娱乐媒体的人员配置储备、中国(影视)娱乐市场的调研分析和作业系统的管理上倾注了更多的资源和心力。
Military manpower capital; Fighting strength; Effect analysis. 军事人力资本;战斗力;效用分析。
Flow of military manpower capital and the analysis of its property right 军事人力资本流动及其产权分析
The drilling engineering has some characters: the large production scale, the large investment, the large risk, costing a great deal of the manpower, material resources and financial powers. So the management and analysis to the petroleum drilling engineering are paid attention by people. 钻井工程生产规模大、投资多、风险大,需要花费大量的人力、物力和财力,因此对石油钻井工程进行成本分析管理控制倍受人们的重视。
Due to the data collection by the instrument requires a huge amount of manpower, the author programmed given communication and data process software and realized the automatic analysis by PC. 根据该仪器对采集的数据需全部人工分析处理的实际情况,开发了相应的通讯及数据处理软件,实现了计算机自动分析处理。
A Target Planning Method for Manpower Structure System Analysis 人才结构系统分析的目标规划方法
Competency model is a new manpower evaluation and analysis technology, which has recently been paid more attention by scholars foreign and domestic, and by large enterprises as well. 胜任能力模型是一种新兴的人力资源测评工具和分析技术,近年来受到国内外学者关注和大企业的重视。
Forecast of manpower distribution based on Markov chain analysis 基于马尔可夫分析的人才拥有量研究
This paper gives a forecast model of macro requirement of special manpower and an analysis to its application: a combination model of regression-time series analysis, and its application in forecasting the total number of the staff; 本文给出一种专门人才的宏观需求预测模型及其应用分析:回归-时序分析组合模型,并运用它根据统计资料来预测职工总数;
Makes use of reason that manpower capital theories analysis farm worker loiters report rate, put forward the manpower capital investment to increase the important function of the economic income, provide the reference for the village economy in Gansu. 运用人力资本理论分析农民工低回报率的原因,提出人力资本投资对增加经济收入的重要作用,为甘肃农村经济发展提供了参考性建议。
This research is to proceed from visual angle that the position obtains, Manpower capital, influence function on graduate's employment of three main factors of social capital and idea of choosing a job in transformation period of society of comparative analysis. 本研究就是从地位获得的视角出发,比较分析社会转型期人力资本、社会资本和择业观念三个主要因素对大学毕业生就业的影响作用。
The theroy of manpower capital and sustainable development is inducted in the study on leader talents, with the utilization of the systems analysis technique and systemic analysis on the sustainable development of leader talents is made in this paper. 本文遵循人力资本和可持续发展理论,运用系统分析的方法,把可持续发展理论和人才资源开发理论引入领导人才的研究中,对领导人才可持续发展的若干问题进行了系统的研究。
It is important to manager and dispose these data by manpower. Decision support system on transportation planning provide necessary technical support for transportation planning, and it is indispensable tool of correlation analysis and decision, through the manner of information processing and managing, simulation analysis. 交通决策支持系统通过信息加工与管理、仿真试验分析、多样化的输出信息表达等方式,为交通规划工作提供必要的技术支持,是进行相关分析与决策所不可缺少的工具。
The analyzing methods to immunohistochemical micrographs mostly include manpower analysis and computer assisted image processing analysis. 对免疫组化图像的分析方法主要包括人工分析和计算机图像处理分析。
The application of manpower statistic& analysis system resource 人力资源统计分析体系的应用
Methods: This article through the county level CDC health resources to 2002 with 2004 ( financial, material resources, manpower) carries on descriptive analysis. 方法本文通过对2002年与2004年县级疾控机构卫生资源(财、物、人)进行描述性分析。
Part two: Health manpower of hospital, beds, and health expenditure in Tianjin from 1980 to 2000 were forecasted by econometric models and the structure analysis. 第二部分:收集了天津市1980-2000年全国医院、卫生院卫生技术人员数、床位数、卫生事业经费运用计量经济学模型分别对其进行了预测和结构分析。
Recruitment system of MA ( China) involves the following functions: manpower demand predictions, job analysis, information distribution, recruitment channel, recruitment& selection skill, probational evaluation and recruitment effect evaluation etc. MA(中国)公司的招聘体系由需求预测、职位分析、信息发布、招聘渠道、招聘与甄选技巧、试用期评价以及招聘效果评价等一系列职能构成。
Obviously, the way of experiment costs very large manpower and material resource, mathematical model analysis is mainly based on experiment data and experience to construct its mathematical model, subsequently make analysis, thus error is unavoidable. 很显然,试验的方法需要花费很大的人力、物力,数学模型分析方法主要是依据实验数据及经验建立相应的数学模型,再进行分析,误差存在是难以避免的。
Respectively from the substance capital investment, manpower capital investment, science and technology investment analysis. 分别从物质资本投入、人力资本投入、科技投入等分析。
System by the mechanical hands instead of manpower to the detected CMOS chip sorting, analysis of the manipulator with X, Y direction displacement accuracy. 系统利用机械手替代人工完成对被检测的CMOS芯片的分检,分析了机械手的X、Y方向的位移精度。
Because of the shortage in the financial, technical and manpower, small and medium-sized enterprises cannot carry out the work of market intelligence analysis. 而中小型企业在资金、技术、人力等方面的不足,导致无法开展完善的市场情报分析工作。